  同樣,良多申請打點美國移平易近的中國申請人,經由過程投資50萬美元-100萬美元得到美國綠卡,也是為瞭讓孩子更不難遭到美國教育。從久遠來望,他們的子女在美國實現本科或研討生課程後,在待業中將有更多競爭的機遇,而不必經由過程尋覓雇主的方法得到事業簽證。美國華盛頓移平易近lawyer Joyce如是說。她增補道,隻有一小部門申請人在得到永居成分後,預計在美國運營本身的買賣。
  加拿年夜前移平易近官、和中公司副總裁Victor Lum說道,良多的中國精英縱然打點瞭移平易近,仍舊紮根中國,他們會繼承在中國的工作。這些富豪們曾經認識瞭中國怪異的文明;他們在中國的勝利並不克不及包管在其餘處所會一樣勝利,究竟在一個目生的處所會見臨太多風險。
  在移平易近lawyer Joyce望來,移平易近美國的門檻實在並不低。本國投資申請人必需證實所投進的資金是符合法規所得。同時,假如申請人的投資不克不及在美國創造至多10個及格的待業,那麼他的申請也會被謝絕。別的,打點美國移平易近的法令所需支出也未便宜。不外對付中國的富豪來說,這並不是個問題。
  As China’s rich grow in numbers, so do their mobile aspirations
  Editor’s note: “Jaime’s China” is a weekly column about Chinese society and politics. Jaime FlorCruz has lived and worked in China since 1971. He studied Chinese history at Peking University (1977-81) and served as TIME Magazine’s Beijing correspondent and bureau chief (1982-2000).
  (CNN) — Despite the global financial crisis, China’s rich are getting richer.
  ”As of April this year, China has 960,000 millionaires with personal assets of 10 million yuan (US$1.5 million),” says Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman of the Hurun Research 商業註冊登記Institute, which compiles China’s rich list.
  ”It has 60,000 super-rich with 100 million yuan assets, and their numbers keep growing,” he says.
  The newly 營業登記affluent are getting more outwardly mobi營業地址le, too.
  Nearly half of them are thinking of emigrating overseas, according to a Hurun Research Institute report. About 14 per cent of them have or are in the process of applying for emigration, it said.
  ”In Chinese, emigration refers also to getting a permanent residency, or a ’green card’,” Hoogewerf explains. “We estimate this to make up 80% of the total who want to ’emigrate’.”
  Many businessmen are capitalizing on this trend. Among them is營業地址 Larry Wang, founder and chairman of Well Trend United Inc, one of the leading immigration consulting companies in China.
  Born and bred in Beijing, Wang went to Canada in 1985 for post-gr商業登記aduate studies. He stayed until 1995 when he decided to return to Beijing.
  ”China’s economy then was changing rapidly,” he recalled. “I as公司地址ked myself, what does Canada have to offer China? Maple syrup and immigration. I couldn’t sell syrup so I got into the immigration business.”
  His business has grown the past 17 years.
  Well Trend now employs 500 people who work in 10 major cities across China, handling immigration and student visa applications. The company charges 12,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan to help clients secure student and immigrant visas.
  ”Over the years we’ve helped more than 10,000 applicants for immigration,” Wang says, including many millionaires.
  But why are China’s newly affluent seeking to emigrate? Some do so for convenience, expert商業地址s say.
  ”A foreign passport makes it a lot easier for them to travel around the world,” Wang says. 營業登記地址“They don’商業登記t want to go through tedious visa applications all the time.”
  China’s new r商業登記地址ich — a mixed租地址 group of Red capitalists, young tycoons and up-an設立登記d-coming “fuer營業登記dai” (second-generation capit地址出租alist scions) — are typically cosmopolitan and tech-savvy, frequent travelers who are willing to pay a premium for convenience.
  They are also ready to spend on education for their children to give them a competitive edge in a new kind of rat race, in which millions of Chinese are striving for advancement.
  Wang remembers the case of Liu Weijie, 44, an old client who emigrated to 設立公司Canada over 10 years ago who refers to his move as “the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.”
  Liu’s teenage son did not excel at school in China, but after entering the University of British Columbia he blossomed and is now doing well in Canada. Liu, a real estate mogul, is still doing a lucrative business in China.
  Likewise, many Chinese millionaires who apply for U.S. “alien investor’s visa” –applicants have to commit $500,000 to $1 million in capital investment — seek permanent resident status there so公司登記地址 their children w地址出租ill have easier access to U.S. education.
  ”In the long run, after their children com不知不覺中答應了他的承諾。 ?她越想,就越是不安。plete their undergrad or gra營業地址duate studies, they would have the opportunity to compete for jobs wi工商登記thout having to find an employer willing to sponsor them for U.S. work visas,” says Joyce Gomez, an immigration 律師based in Was租地址hington.
  A small percentage of the applicants, she adds, intend to operate their own businesses in the U.S. after they obtain permanent resident status.
  Hoogewerf cites other reasons. He says some milliona公司登記ires opt to leave to escape China’s insufficient medical care, pollution and food safety. “There is also an element of insurance against economic, social and potential political unrest,” he says.
  Still, Wang does not see the spike in emigration as a mass exodus of millionaires. “It’s very normal that people would want to leave and see the outside world after they’ve made a fortune,” he says. “The same thing has happened in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.”
  Wang thinks it’s a good thing. “It’s globalization,” he says. “It facilitates exchange of business ideas and helps bridge cultural gaps.”
  Even when they emigrate, experts say, most Chinese elite keep one foot planted in China. “They keep their businesses here,” says Victor Lum, a former immigration specialist at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, and now a top executive at Well Trend.
  ”These millionaires are familiar with China’s unique culture,” says Lum. “They have s註冊公司ucceeded here, but success elsewhere is not guaranteed.”
  Hoogewerf agrees. “When weighed against the gains to be made in China today, not to mention the prevailing confu設立登記sion in the European and U.S. markets, most Chinese prefer to keep significant part of their assets in China,” he says. “This is also where they are ’at home’ no mat那一年,她才十四歲,青春年少會開花。靠著父母的愛,她不懼天地,打著探訪友人的幌子,只帶了一個丫鬟和一個司機,大ter their passport or residency.”
  Some 40% of the Chinese millionaires polled by the Hurun Research Institute prefer to set up their “second home” in the U.S., followed by Canada, Singapore and Europe.
  ”The U.S. requires shorter time of stay in the country to gain permanent resident status and their other procedures are 剛說完這句話,就見婆婆睫毛顫了顫,然後緩緩睜開了眼前的眼睛。剎那間,她不由自主地淚流滿面。less complicated,” says Wang.
  But the hurdles on the way into America are high, too, says Gomez.
  ”An ali營業登記地址en investor applicant must be able to demonstrate that the funds invested were obtained from a legitimate source,” she explains.
  An applicant may also be rejecte商業登記d if they are unable to demonstrate that their capital investment in the enterprise will create or preserve at least 10 jobs for qualified American workers within the U.S.
  Legal fees from immigration attorneys that prepare the applications are not cheap. “It can range from $15,000 to $25,000,” says Gomez.
  But for the Chinese millionaires, that’s small change.

作者:唉唉唉呀376 回應版主每日天期:2011-11-16 10:23:11

  我女兒第一次住院35天,此刻破費5萬元瞭,後三個月又住院二次及期間後續醫藥費又二萬多瞭,可是 沈陽理工年夜學與新華門性醜聞的制造者至今沒有矯正過錯,而我女兒沒有結業證、沒有事業、咱們的醫藥所需支出完整是公費,我往瞭社區,因無結業證咱們即不克不及待業也不克不及掉業,不克不及歸入到社會醫療保險之列,此刻咱們又必需住院,咱們已到瞭快有力付出藥費買命的地部瞭。。。。。。此刻我的月支出隻夠女兒不住院情形下的月藥費收入的一半。咱們沒有結業仍舊是沈陽理工的學生,對我危害至這般田地他們與闖禍者至今不負擔責任,咱們給黌舍的舉報信在被舉報人手中,咱們給中紀委及國務院預腐局的反復舉報無果。我電腦中(WORD文件)記實的內在的事務前天又被人刪除瞭一個月的。
  請登岸我的博客望概況: http://shenshouqihai66.blog.163.com/



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